Liturgical Ministers
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Religious Education Catechists & Catechist Aides
This ministry consists of individuals who know and love their Catholic faith and have a desire to share their faith with patience and understanding as they work with children and young people. They assist at the following faith formation activities:
- Vacation Bible School week during the summer
- Team Jesus - Children's catechesis at select 9:00 am and 11:00 am Sunday Masses
- Family Formation programs
- Journey of Faith - for those ages 7 to 18 in need to sacramental preparation
- Preschool Bible Story Time
Certain programs will accept Adult, High School, & Middle School age volunteers. To help lead our children on their faith journey, please contact Susan Breton by calling the parish office (603-772-2494) or emailing her at [email protected].
Mercy Meals Team Members Wanted
Do you like to bake, cook, shop, or work with others? If so, then you might be a good fit for the Mercy Meals Team!
Mercy Meals are for those who have lost a loved one and would like a place to gather over a meal after a funeral with family and friends for closure. The Mercy Meal Team provides the essentials to make this happen.
Meals are commonly hosted in Cotter Hall (the St. Michael church basement). For more details about this incredible outreach ministry, please contact Leah Grant at 603-772-2494 ext 209, or email her at [email protected].